Monday, May 24, 2010

Holding Fast

Yesterday, at church, we talked about our current status, within our lives, as worshippers.  Spanning the spectrum of valleys to mountain tops, everyone seemed to be at a different point, along the current leg of their life's journey.

My husband and I are once again back in the valley, ourselves, experiencing challenges that do not feel pleasant, encountering situations that do not have obvious answers.  However, we have been on the mountaintop, before, so we know that its peaks lie ahead. 

Life is a series of hills, that gradually seem to become less intimidating the longer we walk with our Heavenly Father.  And yet, each circumstance is different, requiring a new measure of faith and trust, on our part.

As I pondered my worship, yesterday, in light of my current realities, I got a picture of a mountain climber, in my head.  I was reminded that though the mountain may appear large and looming, the mountain climber takes one stretch of footing at a time, always aiming for the goal, but never losing sight of the current choice, that leads to the top.  Every step is important, each response necessary, if the challenge shall succeed.  And, at every juncture, regardless of height, the climber has the security of one thing: his rope.  This rope is the anchor, the connection to the peak, the reminder that an end IS in sight.  This rope is our faith.  When we choose to reach out, for the Hand of our Father, and trust Him for each leg of our journey, we are connected to His anchor, His rope that leads us up and out of our crisis. 

So, reach up, today, dear climber and hold fast.  Remember that your Father knows you and trusts you with your current mountain.  Yes, He has the power to move it, but knows best and understands that you need the exercise of climbing OVER it to continue your journey.  Reach out for His Rope, for the Faith and Trust needed.  Climb and succeed.

Worship Me, for only this great gift can set you free from the killing love of self
and prick your fear with valiant courage: to fly in hope through moments of despair.
Worship will remind you that no man knows completeness in himself.
Worship will teach you to speak your name, when you've forgotten who you are.
Worship is duty and privilege, debt and grand inheritance at once.
Worship, therefore, at those midnights when the stars hide.
Worship in the storms till love makes thunder whimper and grow quiet, and listen to your whimpered hymns.
Worship and be free...
- Calvin Miller (excerpt from Requiem for Love)


Gerbicks said...

so i just happened to come along to your blog today. & it touched me with the force of God. i needed it, to read this & know this (my valley seems unending right now *bummer*). love you chloe.
warmly w/ much hugs,

coconomad said...

Heidi, I just read your comment, from the fall. I am so blessed and humbled that the LORD would be able to encourage you by something that I wrote. He is so good to us, isn't He?!