Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Release...

Sometimes I realize that I need to let go of what I've imagined life will be...

Sometimes I get ahead of God, or just assume I know where He's going...

Sometimes I forget that my interpretation of His Voice is limited by my human understanding, jaded by my emotions and experiences...

Sometimes I remember that if He is Truly God and Truly Good and that He's ALWAYS been faithful, I don't have to fret now, even though I might not comprehend why I hear and see what occurs around me...

Sometimes I have to release my desires, my will, my intentions and agendas, my hopes and fears - I have to release them all into His Hands and continue to trust that ALL WILL BE as He has Promised, though we can never fully know what that means without the journey...

1 comment:

sooprgrll said...

Letting go of our expectations is always tough but oh so goooood.